Sunday, February 8, 2009


This is a no brainer. Simply put lotion on whereareas of dry skin on your body, especially during winter time. Vaseline works great and cheap, no need for expensive ones that does the same thing. Also remember to apply chapstick or lip balms if you have dry lips.

For facial lotion? It may or may not be a necessity depending on the skin type of the person. Obviously if you have dry and flaky skin, you definitely need it. Since I have oily skin, I do not apply it, even during winter time. Yes, they say that you should apply lotion on your face everyday and with a SPF of at least 30. Because if you don't, you are going to see more damage skin and age spots and other related skin conditions when you reach into your 30s and beyond. I do not find these facts to be completely true. Everyday we see people in their 30s and 40s with good and clear skin, and I highly doubt that all of them apply facial lotion everyday for decades already. Genetics and nutrition have to play a role in this. If you eat healthy and your parents have good skin, mostly likely you will also and vice versa. The fact should be stated as if you apply lotion with SPF everyday, you will less likely see age spots and other facial blemishes in your middle-age years and beyond.

So whether or not you want to apply facial lotion with SPF everyday, it is up to you. But kudos to you if you do. If you are going to apply, apply a lotion that contains NO OIL with SPF, especially if you have oily skin. More oil leads to more accumulation of dirt and bacteria, which leads to more acne, and you do not want that. Besides it is just double work to apply lotion with no oil, then a SPF. You want to get them done all together. Marc Anthony has a really nice lotion oil-less lotion with SPF, smells nice too. It is expensive though(I tried the sample). Bummer. But I'm sure there are much cheaper alternatives, just shop around.


  1. You write really interesting articles on here. LOL. I never knew that you know so much about grooming! haha And thanks for the Marc Anthony lotion recommendation.

  2. Hey xiaowlin,

    I use Neutrogena's Triple Protection Face Lotion for Men.

    What do you think about that one?

  3. I haven't try that one yet, but Neutrogena has alright products for cleansers, don't know about lotion though. As long the lotion protects your skin with SPF, it's good.
