Monday, February 16, 2009


Facial mask is another one of those tasks that I do once in a long while. A facial will extract dirt, grease, and dead skin cells off your face. It is almost the same thing as exfoliation. This is another optional task that I'm recommending men and women to do. I would also recommend facial mask only for those with oily skin. This is simply because oily skin people attracts the most dirt on their faces than their dry-skin counterparts. Therefore oily-skin people need it more than dry and even normal skin people. If you are dry-skin, you wash your face daily, and exfoliate periodically, you don't really need a facial mask. Of course everyone can get a facial if desired. If you have time and money, go to a spa and spend a couple hundred bucks on a facial. But if you have time and do not want to spend that kind of money, there are of course always cheaper alternatives. Murad and DDF both have good facial mask products and they can last a long long time, depending on how frequent you use it. It costs about $40, but I think it's worth it for the amount of time it will last. You can literally use it for 2 years or longer if you only do a facial like once every 6 months.

Like exfoliation, wash and shave your face first before you apply on the mask. Then dry your face and hands with facial tissue. Now you apply on the mask, covering as much facial surface area as possible, like the picture shown above. Then you wait 15-20 minutes, the mask should be a bit more dry and hard by now. With lukewarm water, gently start rubbing and cleansing your face. It will take a while to completely wash away all the dirt and mask. But you will feel a difference on your face; it is cleaner, more bright, and more resilient.

There is also another king of facial mask that is really cheap and effective too. It is using egg whites. So break an egg and carefully separate the egg white from the yolk into a small bowl. Wash and dry your hands. If you have a beauty brush, dip it into the egg white and spread it on your face. Do this in front of a mirror and next to your bathroom sink so you won't make a mess. Then you wait for at least an hour and simply rinse off with lukewarm water. Yes, the egg white will smell, but it's cheap and effective, so somewhat of a compromise. That is all.


  1. Another great article on facial mask.

  2. Never heard of the egg white stuff, I use it more for baking and eating then cleaning.

    One thing I notice is you make a differentiation between dry and oily skin, but I know there are ppl that have both as some parts of the face is oily, while other parts isn't.

  3. The egg whites mask really is the best!! I've done it a few times and it really rejuvenates your skin and makes it so firm and smooth and fresh! Cucumbers on the eyes or cold tea bags on the eyes are also a great way to reduce swelling. Great post!

  4. Thanks for the great comments guys!
