Sunday, March 1, 2009


Dry-skin people do not produced enough sebum in their oil glands to keep their skin lubricated and moist. The good news is that dry-skin people hardly have any acne or other blemishes. Simple Vaseline will help you moisturize your skin. But a lotion aloe vera in it will be great. Apply it at least 2 times a day: morning and night. It'll be a good idea if you carry a small pocket moisturizer with you at all times, especially during the winter. If you are applying lotion morning and night, you should get a lotion with SPF for morning and a cream lotion for night. Your facial skin will feel more soft, moist, and a bit supple.

Cleansing your face once a day is enough, but do not use any soap or hot water to clean your face. It will simply dry your skin even more and excerbate the problem. Go find a aloe vera cleanser if you can, I'm sure they have it, or else use a cleanser that is dedicated for dry skin and use lukewarm water. If you are going to exfoliate, do it like only once every month, but I think it's not even necessary for dry-skin people. Dry-skin people usually have less dirt and much less oil than all other skin types.

As for diet, avoid coffee and any kind of alcohol, they will dehydrate your body and skin even more. Also stay away from soft drinks, excessive salt and sugar. Drink at least a few glasses of water everyday and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

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